Walk The Sequence Line

As part of our genomics services, Yaazh offers fast, precise primer walking services. We identify both PCR fragments or entire plasmids. Going a step beyond, we analyse base sequences that cannot be identified with single primer extensions. 

First, we sequence the bases of the PCR product or plasmid provided to us by the customers. We do either one side end sequencing or both. Then, we design and prepare internal primers using the data obtained. These primers then ‘walk’ further down the sequence. We offer continuous extensions for plasmid DNA or PCR produce that cannot be read by single primer extension sequencing.

Types Of Services

At Yaazh, our primer walking service takes 7 days to read 1 to 1.5 kb. The two sequencings
we cater to are single and bi-directional.
Single Strand

With this service, we sequence a single strand of the entire fragment or product. We guarantee greater than 99.9% final data accuracy.

Double Strand

With this service, we sequence both strands of the fragment or entire product. We further design primers if the resulting sequence is ambiguous. Yaazh ensures 99.999% accuracy with < 1 error in 1,00,000 base pairs.

Guaranteed Results

Our final customer deliverables with both single directional and bi-directional primer walking are:
Unused templates
Complete contig sequence assembly generations
Annotate contig with primer sequences along with the location

Deciphering The Bases

Yaazh recommends primer walking services for more accurate results when deciphering the DNA.
Know More
Yaazh Xenomics,
Module No. 103,
1st floor, Maruthamalai Road,
Coimbatore - 641046.
Yaazh Xenomics is dedicated to supporting taxonomists’ research in the molecular identification of organisms using DNA barcoding markers, Sanger sequencing, and Next-Generation DNA sequencing techniques.
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