Robust Genomic Solutions
For Your R&D

Reliable, productive, and holistic genomic services make a world of difference to all the development and discovery phases. Yaazh Xenomics is a dependable and supportive source for high-grade genomic services in Coimbatore and entire South India. Our complete range of services includes genotyping, sample extraction, DNA & RNA extraction, Sanger sequencing, NSG services, and gene expression studies. 

Yaazh Xenomics is the first choice for all major pharmaceutical companies and researchers. Our team is committed to lending its unassailable support in aiding with the project design and making well-informed decisions that suit your experimental objective.

Partnering with Yaazh Xenomics gives you the promise of highly experienced team support to ensure quick turnaround time and top-grade results without compromising the budget and quality.

Beneficial Factors Of Our
Genomic Services

Unrivalled Expertise

Highly dependable expertise and experience in deploying new approaches, handling cutting-edge technology, and providing the right support for genotyping, microassays, NSGs, DNA & RNA sequencing, and sample analyses. 

Expedite Projects

Unlimited access to superior technologies and automated processes such as Unique Molecular Index(UMI), Locked Nucleic Acid(LNA), and Single Primer Extension (SPE) to aid your project progress and keep you ahead of the curve.

Attain Deep Insights

Achieve optimum results and high-quality data with our scientific theoretical expertise and mastery in using bioinformatics tools. We work with you to ensure you collect insightful data that helps to accelerate your research.

Assisting In Decision-Making

Skilled interpretation of genomic variations, identification of biomarkers and genetic anomalies, and the expert application of bioinformatic analyses to corroborate your results and transform your data into decisions. 

Our Process For Genomic Services

From start to finish, our service process is simple, clear, and designed to ensure a smooth transaction from one stage to the next. 

Design Consultation.
Sample Submission.
Library Preparation.
Quality Checking.
Next-Generation Sequencing.
Comprehensive Data Analysis.
Data Delivery.
Final Consultation.

Our Unlimited Range Of Services

To maximise your potential in establishing flawless, robust data to optimise your research, Yaazh Xenomics offers the most exhaustive range of genomic services in India. We cater to Life Science requirements, biotechnology studies, pharmaceutical research, and academic experiments globally. We render all our genomic services from our ISO-accredited labs equipped with modern technologies such as Illumina NovaSeq, NextSeq500, and MiSeq. Our services list includes: 

Sanger DNA Sequencing
DNA Barcoding
Microbial Identification services (Bacteria, Fungi, Algae, Archea, Yeast, Cyanobacteria)
Identification services (Tissue, Plant, Animal, Marine Animal, Nematodes, Insects)
16s rRNA Sequencing
18s rRNA Sequencing
5.8s rRNA Sequencing
23s rRNA Sequencing
26s rRNA Sequencing
28s rRNA Sequencing
ITS Sequencing
COI Sequencing
RBCL Sequencing
CYB Sequencing
Customized Gene Sequencing
SNP Genotyping
Next Generation DNA Sequencing
Next-Generation RNA Sequencing
DNA-Protein Interaction Analysis (ChIP-Seq)
FFPE Transcriptome Analysis
Gene Expression Analysis
Low-Quality RNA-Seq Analysis
Microbial Sequencing Analysis
Next-Generation Sequencing Data Analysis Services
Sequencing-Based Methylation Analysis
Sequencing-Based Transcriptome Analysis
Small RNA Discovery
Targeted (Amplicon) Resequencing Analysis
Targeted RNA Expression Analysis
Bioinformatics services
Whole Genome Sequencing
Amplicon Sequencing
16S Metagenomics
Whole Genome Metagenomic Sequencing
Meta Transcriptome Sequencing
Targeted Resequencing
De Novo Sequencing
Whole Genome Resequencing
Human Whole-exome sequencing
Human Whole-genome sequencing
Clinical Exome Sequencing
Transcriptome Study
RNA Sequencing
Small RNA Sequencing
Iso-Seq on PacBio
Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing

Collaborate With Us Today

Team with Yaazh Xenomics and forge ahead in your research with the best possible guidance and innovative genomic solutions. 

Talk To Us
Yaazh Xenomics,
Module No. 103,
1st floor, Maruthamalai Road,
Coimbatore - 641046.
Yaazh Xenomics is dedicated to supporting taxonomists’ research in the molecular identification of organisms using DNA barcoding markers, Sanger sequencing, and Next-Generation DNA sequencing techniques.
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