DNA Sequencing Services With Fast Turnaround Time

At Yaazh Xenomics, we believe in staying true to our motto and striving to deliver the finest Life Science services at the best possible prices. Our DNA Sequencing services are created to aid path-breaking processes in healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and all leading research institutes. 

As a trusted and reliable partner for multitudes of researchers and students, we render our cost-effective sequencing services from a world-class laboratory equipped to generate the best quality data. We undertake the sequencing of PCR products, BACs, and plasmids from clients all over India and abroad. Our DNA sequencing services are affordable solutions for any genomic challenges applicable to plants, animals, microbes, and human research.

DNA Sequencing

DNA sequencing is the process of determining the precise order of nucleotide bases—adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G)—in a segment of DNA. This process is crucial for understanding the genetic makeup of organisms, including humans, bacteria, and viruses.

What is DNA Sequencing?
DNA Sequencing refers to identifying the order of nucleotides in DNA Strand. In simple terms, it’s reading the genetic "code" that makes up an organism's genome.

Importance of Sequencing:
Genomic Research: Sequencing allows researchers to understand genetic variations and their implications in health and disease.
Disease Diagnosis: Clinicians can use sequencing to identify genetic disorders, aiding in diagnosis and treatment options.
Public Health: Whole-genome sequencing of pathogens helps track disease outbreaks and understand microbial evolution.

Methods of Sequencing:
Sanger Sequencing: The traditional method used before the advent of next-generation sequencing (NGS). It is accurate but slower and more expensive. It is 1st Generation Sequencing technique. 
Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS): A more recent approach that allows for the simultaneous sequencing of millions of DNA fragments, drastically increasing the speed and reducing the cost of sequencing. This technology has enabled high-throughput whole-genome sequencing (WGS). Platform used in NGS technology Illumina, Nanopore and Pacbio.  Illumina - Short read sequencing platform. Nanopore and pacbio - Long read platform. 

Applications of DNA Sequencing:
Medical Genetics: Identifying genes associated with rare genetic diseases and personalizing treatment plans.
Microbial Genomics: Understanding the genetic makeup of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, which can lead to better diagnostic and therapeutic strategies, particularly in managing antibiotic resistance.
Forensics: DNA sequencing is used in forensic science for identifying individuals from biological samples and in paternity testing.

Future of DNA Sequencing:
With ongoing advancements in sequencing technologies, the cost of sequencing continues to decrease, making it more accessible for a variety of applications, from clinical diagnostics to personalized medicine and evolutionary biology.
In summary, DNA sequencing is a powerful tool that has transformed our understanding of genetics and biology, paving the way for innovations in healthcare, public health, and forensic science. 

DNA Sequencing

DNA Sequencing is the process used to determine the nucleotide's order or sequence in the DNA fragment. Discovered and developed by the scientist Frederick Sanger, the sequencing is performed using the chain termination method. This technique uses two strands of DNA that are sequenced separately for generating both forward and reverse sequences.

96 Well Plate Sequencing

The 96 well plate sequencing is most affordable and convenient for processing many samples that can be sent as impure PCR products, clones, and purified DNA. Plate sequencing service can be done as one or two primers per plate or multi primers per plate. 

Difficult Template Sequencing

Yaazh Xenomics' uniquely advanced technology solves Difficult Template Sequencing when standard shotgun protocols fail to deliver satisfactory results. The "Difficult Template" refers to the GC and AT-rich samples, multiple inverted hairpin repeats, as well as long simple mono and di-nucleotide repeats.

Know What Works Best For You

Yaazh Xenomics believes in making sequencing services affordable for everyone who relies on it.
Talk to us and discover the offerings that cater to your budget. 

Contact Us
Yaazh Xenomics,
Module No. 103,
1st floor, Maruthamalai Road,
Coimbatore - 641046.
Yaazh Xenomics is dedicated to supporting taxonomists’ research in the molecular identification of organisms using DNA barcoding markers, Sanger sequencing, and Next-Generation DNA sequencing techniques.
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