About Yaazh Xenomics

Yaazh Xenomics is an innovative leader in providing world-class Genomics & DNA Sequencing services in South India. Headquartered in Coimbatore, Chennai, we enjoy an outstanding reputation for our novel approach to the various facets of Life Sciences. Apart from our high-grade testing centres that operate in Mumbai, Chennai, and Pondicherry, we also have a network of branches spread across the country.

Yaazh Xenomics is powered by a highly knowledgeable, exceptionally qualified technical team and world-class genomic lab facilities on par with the global standards. Ours is a single-minded, focussed commitment to identifying and offering the best possible solutions, reliable results, and technical support at cost-effective prices.

Our Principle

We endeavour to make a remarkable contribution to the field of Life Sciences with our wide spectrum of genome testing services that deliver high-precision results within the shortest turnaround time.
Our Slogan
Crack The Life Code
Our Motto
Finest Life Science Services At The Best Prices
Our Vision
To make a difference in people’s lives with cutting-edge services designed to revolutionise the Indian Biotech industry.

Department Of Genomics

Yaazh Xenomics is making groundbreaking advancements with comprehensive genomic solutions engineered to meet the diverse research needs of taxonomists and healthcare services. Our Department of Genomics facilitates an impressive range of sequencing services with applications in microbial, insect, plant, animal, and human research.

We excel in delivering affordable sequencing experiment designs, customised bioinformatics analysis, and sample preparation of the highest standards. Our core competencies include Next Generation Sequencing (NSG) and high-range Sanger Sequencing technologies- disciplines that are critical for Life Science professionals. Our customer-oriented services ensure minimum turnaround time and accurate, reliable results.

High-End Genomic Services

Sanger Sequencing.
Standard Sequencing.
Difficult Sequencing ( High GC or GT).
Microbial Identification- 16s/18s rRNA Sequencing.
COI Gene Sequencing.
23s/ 26s/ 28s rRNA Sequencing.
Customised Gene Sequencing.

Next-Generation Sequencing (NSG) Solutions

Whole Genome Sequencing.
- De Novo Sequencing.
- Re-Sequencing.
Metagenome Sequencing.
- 16s, 16s, rDNA Sequencing.
- 23s/ 28s rDNA Sequencing.
- Microbial Community Analysis.
Exome Sequencing.
Target Region Sequencing.
Transcriptome Sequencing.
Epigenome Sequencing.
Single Cell DNA Sequencing.
Human Gene Sequencing.

Pioneering The Way For Optimised NSG Solutions

Providing unlimited possibilities, proven scientific solutions, and expert guidance to secure high-quality data.
Get A Quote
Yaazh Xenomics,
Module No. 103,
1st floor, Maruthamalai Road,
Coimbatore - 641046.
Yaazh Xenomics is dedicated to supporting taxonomists’ research in the molecular identification of organisms using DNA barcoding markers, Sanger sequencing, and Next-Generation DNA sequencing techniques.
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